Numerology Number 1
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Yearly
- Personality
If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th dates of any month then according to numerology, your life number is 1. People with this number tend to be workaholics, always aim high, are attention seekers and are the dominating partner in a relationship.
According to the numerology expert Dr Madhu Kotiya, the weekly predictions for destiny number 1 are as follows:
Your inherent strength and resilience will shine and guide you through life's challenges. Empathy, bravery, and insight will set you apart, fuelling your determination. Be mindful of hasty decisions. A significant change is imminent, possibly involving collaboration with a partner. Embrace emotional management as the week concludes for a smoother journey.
Lucky number: 22
Lucky colour: Lavender
Lucky day: Monday
Following are the numerology predictions for destiny number 1 by the expert, numerologist Dr Shefali Garg for December 2023:
- You will receive new responsibilities and it will not be easy for you to fulfill them.
- Many difficulties are also expected to arise.
- You may be wrong in thinking that you will be able to handle everything alone, you will have to take help and only then your work will be successful.
- You will receive unexpected money but you will have to put in a lot of effort.
- Sitting idle will get in the way of you achieving desired results.
- You like to keep your things secret and don't want anyone to know anything about you. Therefore, you should remain careful till December 15, because if you are not careful, there's a possibility of an accident.
- Your well-kept secrets may be revealed to everyone.
- There can also be some stress in life and tension due to differences of opinion with the spouse on some issues.
- To resolve this difference, you are advised to give them some expensive gifts.
- This month, you will think about yourself but you may become arrogant about something.
- You are suggested to remain down to earth, otherwise, your work may get spoiled.
- You may not feel motivated to do your tasks because of your desire to do something creative for a long time.
- You should use technology in your work as it will benefit you.
- You should give importance to your work throughout December otherwise you may suffer a big loss.
- You must focus on your work and try to get better at it.
The ruler of Number 1 is the Sun. Individuals with the number 1 are inherently self-respecting. Many times, their self-respect becomes pride, and the consequence is that whatever they have built tends to crumble. In the year 2024, excessive pride might lead to losses, and in the pursuit of this pride, you may lose a lot.
You have been searching for an opportunity to earn more for a long time. This opportunity will come to you this year, but you will have to work hard for it. It is possible that you neglect your health, and opportunities slip through your hands. You may consider investments this year. Additionally, pay more attention to saving than spending.
You will be under financial pressure, but it won't yield any results, and you will remain stressed. You may feel restlessness and other minor health issues related to the body.
This year, it is essential to stay away from arrogance in both personal and professional life. You will need to work on improving relationships with colleagues at the workplace. If you are unmarried, there could be discussions about a relationship.
Remedy - Recite Sundarkand on Tuesday.