Know The Tremendous Benefits Of Drinking Bay Leaf Water On Empty Stomach

Purnima Mishra
17 Feb 2024

    Have you ever heard that apart from adding taste to food, b ay leaves have other health benefits? Here we bring to you tremondous health benefits of drinlking bay leaf water on empty stomach.

Good For Kidney

    Bay leaves are believe to have diuretic properties, which helps in kidney health by promoting urination and reducing bodily toxins.

Helps In Digestion

    Bay leaf water may support digestive health due to its natural compounds, including essential oils and enzymes. It may helps soothe digestive issues like constipation.

Blood Sugar Levels

    Drinking bay leaf water on empty stomach may help stabilise blood glucose levels and improve insulin sentivity, which is beneficial for people with diabetes.


    Bay leaves contain phytonutrients with anti-inflammatory properties such as cineole and eugenol. Drinking bat leaf water help reduce inflammation in body.

Stress Relief

    It is believed that bay leaves has calming properties and consuming bay leaf water helps reducing stress and anxiety. The aroma of bay leaves is often used in aromatherapy for its soothing effects.

Antioxidant Effects

    Bay leaves are rich in antioxidants including vitamins C and A. These antioxidants help counteract the harmful effects of free radicals in the body.


    All the contents of this story are for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment.

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