You carry your wallet everywhere. It is one of the most essential things you carry in your bag, no matter where you are going. It keeps your money safe, stores coins, and houses your cards. But do you know that the colour of your wallet might be affecting your earnings?
According to astrology and vastu expert Kusum Dograa, the colour of your wallet plays a crucial role in attracting wealth and prosperity into your life. There are five colours which are considered auspicious according to Vastu Shastra.
Black Wallet Symbolises Wealth
In a reel shared by the expert on her Instagram, she mentioned that the black colour symbolises wealth and prosperity. While many communities believe that wearing black colour to an auspicious gathering is a bad sign, it is an ideal colour to pick for your wallet.
Many cultures also associate the colour with darkness, death, evil, and mourning. But it also stands as a sign of strength and power. It is also linked with elegance and sophistication. If you want to see your money grow, you should get a black wallet.
Yellow Wallet Increases Wealth
According to the expert, a yellow-coloured wallet is expected to attract wealth. If you have been struggling with finances, changing the colour of the wallet might help you align stars in your favour. You will be able to grow your income.
The colour is also associated with Lord Vishnu, and many people are advised by astrologers to wear a yellow outfit on Thursday and worship to please Lakshmi-Narayana. The hue signifies intellect, illumination, and light. It is also associated with high mental activity.
Brown Wallet Encourages Savings
Have you been struggling to save money? Are you splurging on money and witnessing financial anxiety? Following the right financial strategy and changing the colour of your wallet to brown might help you get out of the situation.
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In Vastu Shastra, this colour has also been associated with content and satisfaction. Its combination with orange symbolises positive energy and attracts good vibes. Therefore, for many houses, vastu experts suggest wooden furniture and light brown hues for walls.
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Pink Wallet Attracts Wealth
The vastu expert suggests getting a pink wallet if you want to attract wealth. Not only will it be auspicious for your income, but it also looks chic and pairs well with most of the outfits.
This colour is often associated with happiness and purity. It is a colour of joy. Many vastu experts suggest painting your wall in this hue to invite positivity, peace, joy and prosperity into your home.
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Green Wallet Attract Income Opportunities
If you have been struggling with opportunities to make more income, you should invest in a green wallet. Expert Kusum Dograa says that it will attract more opportunities for you to make money, increase your wealth, and get out of a financial crisis.
The green colour is associated with hope. It signifies the beauty and freshness of nature. People believe that this colour also attracts good health and brings harmony into your home.
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