5 Tips To Protect Yourself From Fraud Calls

Digitalisation has made our life easier. But on the other hand, it has increased the number of frauds happening around us. Read on to learn tips and tricks to prevent yourself from the fraud calls.

scam calls

There is no one who hasn’t received a fraud call at least once. It has become so common these days that people make fun of this. However, it is not. There are more than thousands of such fraud call cases every day and more than hundreds of people have faced the ill consequences of the same. While we can’t stop using our mobile phones, we can at least learn some tips that will save us from getting cheated by these fraud calls. Check out the tips that we have listed below. 

Verify And Screen Numbers

These days there are several applications available to us that help in screening the number and verifying the dialers. You can download authentic applications that will show the number and the identity of the caller as soon as your phone rings. If the number appears suspicious to you, rather than receiving the call you can block and report it. 

screen calls

Don’t Get Into Emergency

Fraud callers tend to create an emergency when you pick up their call. It’s their tactics to compel you to take quick action without giving it a second thought. Don’t fall into this trap. 

emergency trap

Never Share Your Information

Sharing information can lead to mishappening. Always refrain from sharing any information (6 indian female hackers) about yourself with anyone. Whether it is your personal information like address phone number, or identity number or it is about your financial information such as PIN, account number etc. Also, never share the OTP, or history of your shopping or travel with anyone. This information might be a guiding light for the cheaters to scam you. 


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Report Fraud Calls

We all have received fraud calls at least once. But very few of us have reported the same to the concerned authorities. Whenever you receive a fraud call make sure to report it to the authorities so that the scammer cannot repeat the same with others. 

Educate And Update

Scammers find different ways to cheat people. So, you need to remain vigilant and keep updating (whatsapp new feature) yourself with what’s happening around you. Read newspapers to know about the new scamming tactics so that you can take relevant action if required. 

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Keep these tips in mind and educate your friends and family as well. 

Image Courtsey: Freepik/Pixabay
