From Prickly To Perfect: Your Ultimate Guide To Home Cactus Gardening

Cactus might seem like a weird plant to add to your garden but let me tell you they are very low maintenance. Read on to learn how to grow a cactus in your home.


how to grow cactus plant at home

There are a lot of myths attached to the cactus plant and that is why people refrain from bringing it home. However, it is one of the low-maintenance plants that can add to your greenery. Whether you are planning to get a cactus home or you are a beginner looking to add a cactus to your garden, there are certain things you need to know for a healthy and thriving cactus. Check out the tips that will help you in maintaining your cactus plant efficiently. 

Choose The Right Soil

Cacti need well-draining soil to thrive. Cactus is majorly found in desert areas and thus it is not habitual of ample amounts of water. Thus, you should ensure well-draining soil to avoid water-logging. This is an important factor to consider to ensure a healthy cactus. 


Provide Sunlight

Cactus requires at least 6 hours of direct or indirect bright sunlight to thrive. Thus, make sure to keep your cactus in a place where it receives an ample amount of sunlight. 

Water Less

Cacti tend to survive in less amounts of water. Thus, it is advisable to water the cactus plant sparingly. Allow the soil to dry completely before providing the other session of water. 

Keep A Check On Temperature

Cacti grow in warm temperatures and thus it is advisable to ensure warm conditions for them. In winter (how to care for plants in winters) you can keep your cactus indoors to prevent it from frost which might be harmful to your cactus plant. 


Handle With Care

While handling cactus make sure to wear protective gear or gloves. This is because cacti have spines which might hurt your hands. 

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Keep Rotating

Keep rotating the cactus plant to ensure that each side of the plant receives the sunlight. This will ensure even growth and healthy cactus plants. 

Be Patient

Cactus are slow-growing plants (how to grow rosemary plant at home). So, don’t lose your patience or show extra care to the cactus plant to ensure steady growth. Your extra maintenance might be detrimental to their health.  

soil cactus

Follow these tips to grow a healthy and beautiful cactus plant in your home.

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Image Courtsey: Freepik/Unsplash
