Easy Curd Rice Recipe: How To Prepare It In 10 Minutes?

Akshita Jolly
16 Feb 2024

    Well, curd rice is a staple dish in South Indian households. If you want to make this healthy recipe, then you can look at these easy steps.

Step 1

    Add some rice and then water. Pressure cook both of them. Mix the pressure-cooked rice a bit to make it soggy.


    Add curd and milk to it and mix well.


    Put carrot, ginger, green chilli, salt and coriander leaves. Stir the ingredients thoroughly.


    Now, take a pan and heat it. Pour some oil into it.


    Add mustard seeds, chana seeds, curry leaves and hing together to make a tadka.


    Sauté them well. Put the curd rice into a bowl and pour the tadka over it.


    Your curd rice recipe is ready. Enjoy it with your fam-jam.

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