Bangtan Boys, globally known as BTS, is a South Korean boy band that has taken the world by storm with their music, dance moves, and charisma. Among the seven members of BTS, Jung Ho-seok, better known by his stage name J-Hope, is not only a talented rapper but also a foodie. In this article, we will tell you about BTS J-Hope's favourite food items that he has shared with his fans through various interviews and social media posts.

J-Hope's love for food is evident from his Instagram feed, where he often shares pictures of delicious meals he has had. His favourite cuisine seems to be Korean, and he has mentioned in interviews that he is a big foodie. Here are some of his top favourite food items that he loves to it:

1. Bulgogi

BTS J-Hope loves Bulgogi. Bulgogi means 'fire meat', is a dish prepared from thin, marinated slices of meat, usually beef, that are cooked on a stovetop griddle or barbeque. It's also often stir-fried in a pan. The traditional way involves grilling the meat and wrapping it in lettuce leaves with rice, perilla leaves, and spicy ssamjang sauce.

2. Kimchi Fried Rice

It should come as no surprise for all the BTS army that BTS members have an intense love for traditional Korean food, given their status as proud representatives of Korean culture. Kimchi is one food that is very dear to them. J-Hope has a special place for Kimchi Fried Rice.

3. Chicken

J-Hope already stated how much he enjoys chicken, whether it be grilled, fried, or in the form of nuggets in various interviews. J-Hope is a self-proclaimed fried chicken lover. He has mentioned in interviews that he can eat fried chicken every day without getting tired. He prefers crispy and juicy fried chicken with a spicy sauce.

4. Sprite

J-Hope loves Sprite a lot. In several interviews and BTS (What Is The Full Form Of BTS: Here's All Decoded About South Korea's Boy Band) videos, he has shared his love for Sprite. He has stated that Sprite is the perfect accompaniment to go with his dinner. During live broadcasts, J-Hope has also drunk it a few times. He undoubtedly prefers this drink over others.

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5. Iced Americano

J-Hope says that his favourite beverage is an iced Americano rather than the usual coffee. Americano is a popular coffee beverage in many parts of the world, and it has become a symbol of Western culture. Coffee culture has become deeply ingrained in Korean society, and iced americanos are seen as a trendy and sophisticated drink.

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6. Kimchi-Jeon

Another favourite food item of BTS’s J-Hope is Kimchi-Jeon. One type of Buchimgae or Jeon is Kimchi-Buchimgae, also known as Kimchi-Jeon (Kimchi Pancake). Sliced kimchi, flour batter, and occasionally other veggies are the main ingredients (meat can also be included). It is a staple in Korean cuisine. It is a perfect snack, a delicious side dish, or even a light meal.

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